Coconut Resort
Risk Management Plan: Fire
-Smoke detectors in every room and hallway
-No smoking allowed anywhere inside the facility
-Designated areas outside for smoking
-Ashtrays and specific places for putting out a cigarette
-Regular inspection of all detectors and electrical wiring
-Post evacuation signs in every room
-Automatic shut off of all cooking equipment after closing
-Keep cooking equipment a safe distance away of flammable items
-Smoke detectors and alarms in every room
-Regular inspection of all detectors and electrical wiring
-Post evacuation signs throughout the building
-Automatic shut off of all dryers and heating equipment after closing
-Smoke detectors and alarms throughout the building
-Regular inspection of all detectors and electrical wiring
-Post evacuation signs throughout the building

Reacting in the Event of a Fire
-Set of ALL fire alarms; audio and visual
-Immediately alert the nearest police and fire stations
-Staff will have required spots to check to help guests evacuate building
-Have designated areas for guests and staff to go to away from facility
-Remove all barricades so the fire trucks and ambulances have clear access to the fire
-Do not allow guests or staff to re-enter the building until all officials have cleared the fire completely